• Slovenščina
  • English



Workshop takes place for 6 days, from Monday morning till Saturday evening. All participants can sign up to only one category / mentor, with whom they combo ensembles in the morning and private/group lessons in the afternoon. There are festival concerts happening every evening – workshop participants have a free-pass for all the festival concerts.


Application is possible via application form on the website. You will receive confirmation of acceptance on e-mail. Deadline for the submission of the applications is 5th August 2025. The number of participants is limited.

Prices and payment

Applicants must fully pay workshop fee before coming to Jazzinty. Payement is possible by bank transfer or postal order as explained on application form site. Prices (VAT incl.):

  • active participation (regular price for all categories for 6 days): 300,00 €
  • passive participation (5 lectures): 100,00 €

20% discount:

  • if application is completed before May 15th 2025

10% discount (discounts do not sum up!):

– If application and payment is before July 1st, 2025

– in case of three persons applying together (all three must fill the application form and state the other two persons).

5% discount (discounts do not sum up!):

– for ex-participants, students, pensioners and disabled persons

Method of payment is bank transfer. Participants will receive payment reciept on first day at registration. If the payer is a legal entity, you must send your data by mail and organizer will send you an invoice. If the payer is different from the applicant, enter the information of the payer and the person to whom you pay at the bottom of the application in the window »Notes«.

Subject of payment: registration fee Jazzinty
Recipient: Zavod Novo mesto, Novi trg 5, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
Bank: Banka Slovenije, Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56 0110 0600 8342 993

Bed and breakfast

Accomodation is the participant’s own responsibility. We recommend Youthostel Situla (in town centre, max. 300m from all festival locations) or Student Dorm Novo mesto (a bit further away but lower prices). Accommodation can be paid at the workshop registration on 14th August or as discussed with your accomodation provider.

When making a reservation in Youthhostel Situla or Student Dorm Novo mesto, please let them know that you are a Jazzinty Workshop participant.

To book a high-standard room or single room check at Apartments & Rooms Ravbar / Hotel Center / Pri Belokranjcu


Monday, 18th August

8.00-10.00 Meeting and welcoming the participants (KCJT)

10.00-10.30 Introductory lecture (KCJT)

11.00-13.00 First lesson with mentors (GS)

13.00-15.00 Accommodation, lunch

15.00-18.00 First combo rehearsal (GS)

18.00  – dinner

20.00 – concerts (P. KCJT)

22.00 – jam session (LP)

Tuesday – Friday

8.00 – 19.00 School open for practicing

10.00 – 13.00 Combo ensembles rehearsals

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.30 Lectures (GS)

15.30 – 18.00 Mentor hours

18.00  – dinner

20.00 – concerts (P. KCJT)

22.00 – jam session (LP)

Saturday, 23rd August

10.00-13.00 Combo ensembles rehearsals

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.30 Closing lecture (GS)

15.30 – 17.30 Mentor hours

17.30 – 18.00 Leaving the music school

18.00-19.00 dinner

17.30-19.00 Sound checks (P. KCJT)

19.00 Jazzinty Final Concert (P. KCJT)

22.00 – Final jam session (LP)


 GS: Glasbena šola Marjana Kozine / Marjana Kozine Music School

  • ure z mentorji, combo zasedbe, vaje, shranjevanje inštrumentov / Mentor hours, combo ensembles, rehearsals, instrument storage
  • odprtost: pon. – pet. od 08.00 – 19.00, sob. od 08.00 – 17.30 / Opened Mon-Fri 08.00 – 19.00, Sat. 08.00 – 17.30

P.KCJT = Ploščad KCJT:

  • jam sessions, combo rehearsals, concerts, coffee breaks
  • odprtost: pon.- cet. od 07.00 – 01.00, pet. & sob. od 07.00 – 01.00 / Opened Mon-Fri 07.00 – 01.00, Sat. 07.00 – 01.00

KCJT: Kulturni center Janeza Trdine / Janez Trdina Cultural Centre

– koncerti v primeru slabega vremena / Concerts in case of bad weather

© Jazzinty, Zavod Novo mesto

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